learning Understanding the Difference Between Single-Tenant and Multi-Tenant Cloud [Infographic] A single-tenant cloud runs on dedicated infrastructure, while a multi-tenant cloud is a single cloud infrastructure built to serve multiple businesses. Check out the infographic by LoginRadius to understand the difference between the two and find out which is the right solution for your business.
CIAM Why Organizations Must Use API-Driven CIAM for Digital Agility Digital agility is the ease with which any organization can adapt to changing business needs – by enabling or changing their business processes. For a successful digital transformation, organizations need to invest in resilient business operations, consumer experience initiatives, and technology.
breach 5 Best Practices of Implementing Business Resilience during a Data Breach Business resilience can be defined as a business's ability to quickly adapt and respond to impending risks or disruptions. More like a combination of crisis management and business continuity strategies post-disaster.
authentication What Is Broken Authentication and How to Prevent Your Company From It Authentication protects a consumer's identity by allowing only a verified user to enter into the system. But there are numerous ways through which a hacker can impersonate consumers and enter inside the system.
Strategy 6 Strategies to Secure Your Cloud Operations Against Today's Cyber Threats A few strategies needed to secure your cloud operations from cyber threats
digital identity Identity Management in Cloud Computing Identity management in cloud computing is the subsequent step of identity and access management (IAM) solutions. This next generation of IAM solution is a holistic move of the identity provider right to the cloud.
security 7 Common Web Application Security Threats To ensure adequate safety against web application security threats, businesses should incorporate security consideration in the applications' development phase. Unfortunately, most developers tend to hold it off until the end.
IAM What is Identity and Access Management (IAM)? Identity and Access Management in cybersecurity refers to the security framework and disciplines for managing digital identities. It regulates the responsibilities and access privileges associated with individual consumers and the conditions in which such privileges are allowed or denied.
cybersecurity Do Cybercriminals Already Have Access To Your Email? Cybercriminals often make use of email-based attack campaigns to target all kinds of organizations. They use mail servers, choking spam, and scam emails loaded with malicious software developed to interrupt business procedures. Despite being generally aware of some methods to spotting spoofed emails, many professionals still fail to detect these
cyberattacks What is Formjacking Formjacking attacks are designed and executed by cybercriminals to steal financial and banking details from payment forms that can be captured directly on the checkout pages from eCommerce websites. Find out more about how this practice can affect your business and how to prevent it.
password How to Choose a Secure Password in 2021 Passwords are the digital keys to our daily lives. They are the gateway to our professional services, and our network of friends. So, what does a secure password look like? Here is a collection of the do's and don't on how to choose a strong password to avoid being a victim of cyberattack.
cyberattacks How To Secure Your Contact Form From Bot Attacks It is no surprise that the contact form attracts a lot of bot attacks. Hackers not only create false traffic, but also result in malicious attacks on websites. The objective of this blog is to help you to secure contact form from random audacious attacks.
digital identity What is Identity Proofing and Why is it Important? Identity proofing is the process of verifying that the claimed identity of a person matches their actual identity. You’ve probably undergone this process a bunch of times yourself at hotels, financial institutions, and for retailers.
authentication Login Security: 7 Best Practice to Keep Your Online Accounts Secure In reality, there are so many mistakes that can make your account vulnerable to cyber attacks. Hackers can read your email, steal money out of your bank account, or sell your data in the dark web. Therefore you need to eliminate as many vulnerabilities as possible to keep your login safe.
cyber security 9 Data Security Best Practices For 2021 Confining data security best practices to the organization's size never helped in the past, nor will it work in the future. What cybercriminals gain is what consumers lose, and those losses add up.
cyberattacks How To Make Sure Your Phone Isn’t Hacked Hacking your smartphone may feel like someone has stolen your home. Go through this checklist to protect your phone from being hacked.
privacy Safe Data Act: A New Privacy Law in the Town The Safe Data Act follows the footsteps of the 2019 draught, but makes a few major changes to the threats of people in the United States to privacy, cybersecurity, and compliance.
cyber security Strengthen Enterprise Security Through Network Isolation Approach > Virtual networks are separated from other virtual networks and from the underlying physical network, offering the least privileged protection concept. IT security managers are increasingly waking up to realize that the sheer quantity of regular generated malicious and non-malicious software programmers requires them to be on their toes, searching
Best Practices Best Practices for Choosing Good Security Questions Security problems are an alternative way to recognise your customers when they have forgotten their password, entered too many times the wrong passwords, or attempted to log in from a location or unknown computer.
cyber security Cloud Security Challenges Today: Expert Advice on Keeping your Business Safe There are a lot of things you need to consider when moving your business to a cloud environment; from data protection, getting the right platform for your needs, how to protect data during transit, and more.
CIAM Best IDaaS Provider - Why Loginradius is Considered as the Best IDaaS Solution Identity-as-a-service or IDaaS refers to cloud-based applications for identity and access management provided on the basis of subscription. At its heart, IDaaS provides consumers’ systems with access, intelligence, and identity governance capabilities.
COVID19 Moving Forward In The Time Of The Coronavirus: How The IT Industry Is Surviving With no end in sight for the Covid-19 pandemic, countries around the world are struggling to bring their economies back on track. Apart from the loss of life, the pandemic has also set in motion changes in the technology sector, which will have profound implications after the crisis has died
digital identity Is blockchain going to secure your digital identity? > Let's talk about the current scope of blockchain and how it helps in securing digital identities for companies. Blockchain technology provides several benefits to individuals, organizations, and IT systems. This is because it is a decentralized, interoperable, and immutable information infrastructure that isn’t easy to hack
authentication Single-Page Applications: Building A Secure Login Pathway with LoginRadius Single-page apps, or SPAs, are web applications that load and update a single HTML page by dynamically rendering details from the browser as (and when) a user interacts with the programme.
devops Critical Controls for DevOps: Best Practices for Continuous Security > In relentless pursuit of automation and velocity, DevOps teams can reduce the software development cycle and ensure that their products are responsive to client feedback. However, this quest for perfection may compromise security, leaving room for vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that can create huge problems later on. Ensuring security integration