DDoS Attacks on Companies are Rising in the post-COVID Era! Here are 5 Pro-Tips to Protect Your Company

DDoS Attacks on Companies are Rising in the post-COVID Era! Here are 5 Pro-Tips to Protect Your Company

Cyberattacks are absolutely malicious and can be an indiscriminate threat to both large enterprises and fledgling businesses. With cybercrime seeing a 542% increase “quarter-over-quarter” since 2018 [https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200630005295/en/DDoS-Attacks-Increase-542-Quarter-over-Quarter-Pandemic-Nexusguard/] , companies need to be adept at guarding themselves against this palpable threat. In the wake
5 min read
How Blockchain Is Revolutionizing The World One Industry At A Time

How Blockchain Is Revolutionizing The World One Industry At A Time

The technology behind the world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has taken the world by storm. Bitcoin is geared up by blockchain - a distributed ledger constructed with impenetrable cryptography that is open source, transparent, and highly anonymous. According to Gartner [https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2019-10-21-gartner-identifies-the-top-10-strategic-technology-trends-for-2020#:~:text=Blockchain%
3 min read