Secure Password Storage: Best Practices with Modern Hashing Algorithms

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Password Storage Fundamentals
  3. Modern Password Hashing Algorithms
  4. Implementation Best Practices
  5. Common Vulnerabilities and Mitigation
  6. Performance Considerations
  7. Migration Strategies
  8. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements
  9. Conclusion


Secure password storage remains one of the most critical aspects of application security. Despite advances in passwordless authentication and biometrics, password-based authentication continues to be the primary method of user verification for most applications. This article provides a comprehensive guide to implementing secure password storage using modern hashing algorithms.

Understanding Password Storage Fundamentals

The Evolution of Password Storage

  • Plain text storage (historically)
  • Simple hashing (MD5, SHA-1)
  • Salted hashes
  • Modern adaptive hashing functions

Key Concepts

What Makes Password Storage Secure?

  1. One-way transformation: Impossible to reverse the hash to obtain the original password
  2. Uniqueness: Different passwords should produce different hashes
  3. Avalanche effect: Small changes in input create significant changes in output
  4. Computational intensity: Resistance to brute-force attacks

The Role of Salt

A salt is a random value that is:

  • Unique for each user
  • At least 16 bytes in length
  • Generated using a cryptographically secure random number generator
  • Stored alongside the password hash
import os
import hashlib

def generate_salt():
    return os.urandom(16)  # Generate a 16-byte random salt

Modern Password Hashing Algorithms

Comparison of Modern Algorithms


Winner of the Password Hashing Competition (PHC)

from argon2 import PasswordHasher

ph = PasswordHasher(
    time_cost=2,      # Number of iterations
    memory_cost=65536, # Memory usage in KiB
    parallelism=4,    # Number of parallel threads
    hash_len=32,      # Length of the hash in bytes
    salt_len=16       # Length of the salt in bytes

hash = ph.hash("user_password")

Key Parameters:

  • memory_cost: Amount of memory required
  • time_cost: Number of iterations
  • parallelism: Degree of parallelization
  • hash_len: Length of the hash
  • salt_len: Length of the salt


Industry Standard Since 1999

import bcrypt

def hash_password(password):
    salt = bcrypt.gensalt(rounds=12)  # Work factor of 2^12
    return bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), salt)

Key Features:

  • Built-in salt generation
  • Configurable work factor
  • Memory-hard function
  • Wide platform support


Memory-Hard Algorithm

import hashlib
import os

def hash_password_scrypt(password):
    salt = os.urandom(16)
    return hashlib.scrypt(
        n=2**14,      # CPU/memory cost
        r=8,          # Block size
        p=1,          # Parallelization
        maxmem=2**25  # 32 MB

Algorithm Selection Guide

Algorithm Memory Cost CPU Cost Parallelism Best Use Case
Argon2id High Medium Yes General purpose, high-security systems
bcrypt Medium High No Legacy systems, wide compatibility
scrypt High Medium Limited Memory-constrained environments

Implementation Best Practices

1. Proper Salt Management

def create_hash_with_salt(password):
    salt = generate_salt()
    # Store both salt and hash
    return {
        'salt': salt.hex(),
        'hash': hash_function(password, salt).hex()

2. Secure Parameter Selection

# Argon2 recommended parameters for different scenarios
    'high_security': {
        'time_cost': 4,
        'memory_cost': 131072,  # 128 MB
        'parallelism': 4
    'web_application': {
        'time_cost': 2,
        'memory_cost': 65536,   # 64 MB
        'parallelism': 2
    'resource_constrained': {
        'time_cost': 1,
        'memory_cost': 32768,   # 32 MB
        'parallelism': 1

3. Hash Verification

def verify_password(stored_password_data, provided_password):
        salt = bytes.fromhex(stored_password_data['salt'])
        stored_hash = bytes.fromhex(stored_password_data['hash'])
        calculated_hash = hash_function(provided_password, salt)
        return hmac.compare_digest(stored_hash, calculated_hash)
    except Exception:
        return False

Common Vulnerabilities and Mitigation

1. Rainbow Table Attacks

Mitigation: Proper salt implementation and modern algorithms

2. Timing Attacks

# Use constant-time comparison
from hmac import compare_digest

def secure_compare(a, b):
    return compare_digest(a, b)

3. Brute Force Protection

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

class LoginAttemptTracker:
    def __init__(self, max_attempts=5, lockout_period=timedelta(minutes=15)):
        self.attempts = {}
        self.max_attempts = max_attempts
        self.lockout_period = lockout_period

    def is_locked_out(self, user_id):
        if user_id not in self.attempts:
            return False
        attempts = self.attempts[user_id]
        if len(attempts) < self.max_attempts:
            return False
        latest_attempts = sorted(attempts)[-self.max_attempts:]
        oldest_recent_attempt = latest_attempts[0]
        return - oldest_recent_attempt < self.lockout_period

    def record_attempt(self, user_id):
        if user_id not in self.attempts:
            self.attempts[user_id] = []

Performance Considerations

Benchmarking Different Algorithms

import time
import statistics

def benchmark_hash_function(hash_func, iterations=100):
    times = []
    for _ in range(iterations):
        start = time.perf_counter()
        end = time.perf_counter()
        times.append(end - start)
    return {
        'mean': statistics.mean(times),
        'median': statistics.median(times),
        'std_dev': statistics.stdev(times)

Optimal Parameter Selection

  • Target hashing time: 250ms for authentication
  • Scale parameters based on server capabilities
  • Regular benchmark testing

Migration Strategies

Gradual Password Rehashing

def migrate_password_hash(old_hash_data, new_hash_function):
    def wrapper(password):
        # Verify with old hash
        if verify_old_hash(old_hash_data, password):
            # Generate new hash
            new_hash = new_hash_function(password)
            # Return new hash and migration flag
            return new_hash, True
        return None, False
    return wrapper

Version Tracking

class PasswordHashData:
    def __init__(self, version, salt, hash):
        self.version = version
        self.salt = salt
        self.hash = hash

    def to_dict(self):
        return {
            'version': self.version,
            'salt': self.salt.hex(),
            'hash': self.hash.hex()

    def from_dict(cls, data):
        return cls(

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

NIST Guidelines (SP 800-63B)

  • Minimum length: 8 characters
  • Maximum length: At least 64 characters
  • Allow all ASCII characters
  • Implement rate limiting
  • Use approved algorithms (Argon2, PBKDF2, scrypt, bcrypt)

GDPR Considerations

  • Implement appropriate technical measures
  • Document hashing procedures
  • Regular security assessments
  • Incident response planning


Secure password storage is a critical component of application security. By following these best practices:

  1. Use modern hashing algorithms (preferably Argon2id)
  2. Implement proper salting
  3. Choose appropriate work factors
  4. Regular security audits
  5. Plan for algorithm migration
  6. Monitor performance impacts
  7. Follow compliance requirements

You can create a robust password storage system that protects your users' credentials while maintaining system performance and usability.


  1. NIST Special Publication 800-63B
  2. Password Hashing Competition (PHC)
  3. OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet
  4. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
  5. Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines (NIST)